You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him. – Luke 12:40
To the 12 Tribes scattered throughout the globe, greetings! Also to the nations gathered here and spoken of in this book. The Book of Truth. While it may be true that I am an ambassador of sorts from what we can refer to (for simplification – for its name is Eternal) as The Kingdom of Heaven (whom I represent). Please find attached well wishes, warnings, and GIFTS to celebrate the continued safety and growth of the 144000 (who are the reason all of us have come back to Earth). I have also, in good faith shared both personal and painful stories of my own. In the Kingdom of Heaven, stories are the most precious currency.
May the blessings of the Most High, creator of Heaven and Earth, my Heavenly Father and Teacher, be forever in your heart and mind. May your best prayers be answered, and your worst ones ignored!
I hope that it is understood that the Kingdom of Heaven must protect the 144000 children of mankind – God’s first fruits – no matter the cost. This includes action on pollution and environmental degradation, wars and anything that may stunt their development. They are ALSO here to WORK as I keep trying to tell them.
Please find attached further information about what we require from individuals and from nations. Nothing is negotiable in regards to what has been ordained or in regards to the protection and safety of the 144000. For other matters, yes, of course, discuss.
I have recommended Joan take charge of the Army of the Lamb as we are in council over our own war. Disregard it, as it is over before it even begins. We hope that the nations of Earth will join with us or you must be removed or altered in order to fit the intended design for this garden of the Kingdom of Heaven, the LORD’s footstool.
The Kingdom of Heaven will not tolerate division. Lay down your arms. Any action against the 144000 or Israel will not be tolerated. The oaths of the Kingdom of Heaven are bound eternally.
Kind Regards
Archangel M (I needed your attention)
Prince of Peace
“Look, I AM coming with the clouds,” and “every eye will see ME, even those who pierced ME“; and all peoples on earth “will mourn because of ME.” So shall it be! Amen.
Revelation 1:7
Thank you Australia for keeping my secret while we prepared.
Turn those “W”s in Wonder Woman upside down!
Not today Satan!
Thank you to my tower of strength and protection Rachelyn while I prepared all of this and ‘rehearsed’. Thank you for being “my man”. You were the only one who believed in me when I needed it. I have seen you at the end of every road, shining brightly to light my way.
Thank you to everyone in my Earthly Family. I am sorry if my presence among you has brought you any shame. That’s why I have started to use my Heavenly Name (Avava) again. Thank you for giving me many nice times among you. If I do not see any of you again, know I will be looking out for all of you. Love from “Junior” (Wonderwoman). Thanks for watching my life on screen for the last 38 years.

I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war.
Revelation 19:11
The prophecy of Saint Malachy regarding the last Pope:
In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations, and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge his people. The End.
In reference to the Catholic Church’s continued stance of protection for those among its ranks that have or continue to abuse children. Therefore open your eyes now, as one who is blind and see what awaits the Church that Peter built.
On a personal note:
Yes, as some of the more astute of you may have noticed, there is a new little star born. Ally. I wanted to have some time with her before commencing with this new work. Yes, Heavenly Father starts us all very early, at least it’s not a Home Alone type situation. She is still only young but has been loving her swimming lessons (as you can hear in the next song). This is her introduction to all of you from all of us in the Kingdom of Heaven. My Heavenly Father and I have high hopes for her. Thank you as always Lady Gaga for allowing us to use your voice.
Gifts for the 144000 & all believers & non-believers
Now some of you have been very impatient and trying to peek at your own particular present/s from the Kingdom of Heaven and the LORD. Aurora, you can do the honours of ripping that open! I’ve waited many years to hear all this music!
And I saw something like a sea of glass mixed with fire, beside which stood those who had conquered the beast and its image and the number of its name. They were holding harps from God, and they sang the song of God’s servant Moses and of the Lamb:
“Great and wonderful are Your works, O Lord God Almighty! Just and true are Your ways, O King of the nations! Who will not fear You, O Lord, and glorify Your name? For You alone are holy. All nations will come and worship before You, for Your righteous acts have been revealed.”

Kevin rhymes with Eleven.
While this is something I do not enjoy discussing, I thought it pertinent to include some of my own testimony about where I have been. I apologise to family and friends forever hurting any of you, there was a reason I wanted certain people to avoid suffering. I was OK after, I just wanted to take some time, I hope you understand.
To the nations of Earth and to the servants of the Kingdom of Heaven currently part of Arkadia – for simplicity, you can address us as Arkadians.
Firstly, there is understandably many areas to cover, particularly when it comes to urgent matters. So I will address them first. Not all of it is pleasant.
United States of America & Donald Trump
The Kingdom of Heaven takes offence at recent remarks by President Trump calling himself the Chosen One. We would emphasise that this is a serious matter to us. A diplomatic conclusion could not be reached.
We accept your declaration of war, we did not wish to fight a war against a nation so defenseless. However, nation of the Morning Star:
Oh, say can you see,
By the dawn’s early light,
What so proudly we hailed,
At the twilight’s last gleaming?
Shalom! Easy! I hear Raphael has been assisting you also. We have been working on some new things as well. We hope the F35 was suitable.

To War.
Inform Gabriel and the others:
Construction of the Machine is complete.
Testing is complete.
It is done. Amen.
Maintain cloud cover.
For future reference, my throne is wherever I sit or wherever my Heavenly Father wants it to be.

Orange is the New Black
Please keep "Orange" in mind as you progress through the sequence.
All video clips for review and critique purposes only.