Hey everyone, I have been writing more than you think if you visit this website. I haven’t posted here in a while as I am now using Substack to post my content. Of course, you still have access to all of my poetry and experimental fiction works on the site. The...
Hey everyone I have just started using substack for writing more non-fiction which is a great change from some of my recent fictional pieces. I am writing a bit about religion (deconstruction) and mental health. Not everyone’s cup of tea, but if you want to...
For the past few years, I have been experimenting with prophecy – the art of reading the future – and wanted to do something special for the Australian election. So within one of my latest creative series, I had embedded a 100% accurate prediction of the...
Those of you familiar with some of my latest works may be aware that it is in part an experiment with extrasensory perception, or more specifically “prophecy”. The art of reading the future. I had long predicted a war in both my “Salvation”...
People can be quick to judge anti-vaxxers who are currently converging on Canberra, Australia to (mostly) protest against vaccine mandates, children’s vaccinations and maybe 5G mobile telephone networks for some reason. Well, the actual reason is that, with...