Hey everyone I have just started using substack for writing more non-fiction which is a great change from some of my recent fictional pieces. I am writing a bit about religion (deconstruction) and mental health. Not everyone’s cup of tea, but if you want to explore my work you can subscribe here or just view for free.

So far I am beginning to write about my own journey and thoughts in regards to religious deconstruction. Which I guess to simplify is the act of pulling apart your faith to see how it works and usually discard problematic or distracting beliefs and practices.

I will also be starting to write about mental health issues such as psychosis and bipolar disorder. These are personal to me but it is great to be at a point where I can write about it.

Of course you can still explore my other poetry and music video based prophetic fiction fun! Please keep in mind this is a creative website so I do have fiction work on here as well as non-fiction.

Thanks for visiting KJ Write Left