First of all, thank you for your swift response to our code ORANGE. This is unfortunately not a drill this time. Please pay close attention to your designated colour quadrant. It should lead you to a safe zone. We had wished that war could have been avoided. Do not pray for the nations, pray for those close to you. As I said REMEMBER ORANGE!
Access Code: ARCADIA
(Yes, I do find it amusing to live in “Roswell” Avenue (with only one letter difference to Roswell of course) thank you Heavenly Father. Nicely played.
And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.
Revelation 16:16 (KJV)
While I have published a series of orange posts to allow you greater access to the knowledge and, indeed, the protections of the Kingdom of Heaven, this will be in part some house keeping of sorts. While I do not wish to bore you, this will be more relevant to some other agencies that we often assist (in our quiet ways) in preparing for potential problems and events that have yet to pass.
To make it as simple to understand as possible colours and fruits have been used, as well as a simple “traffic light” guidance system. Try not to think about how it works, that will just confuse you further. If something goes over your head in this post, any of the other orange posts, OR my writing and art in general, do not worry, that means it’s not for you.
Using popular culture seemed like the most efficient way to prepare those that I came to prepare (please see: 144000).
Fuel up a Flock of Seagulls for Iran.
Wasn’t sure how clear I could be on that front. WAR!
Reclassify London as “LEMON”.
They ignored a request.
We have already given them the gift of Brexit. From my Family to yours. Enjoy.
With London now being dealt with, I wanted to touch on a subject closer to home. That subject is the Adani coal mine in Queensland, Australia, also home to a rather big reef that took a very long time to put there (FYI). Coal should be phased out in a more urgent manner. The fastest way to do this is to destroy it’s value.
Please explore The Little Scroll and other information we have compiled for your convenience. It would also be advisable to differentiate those of us who serve our Heavenly Father here on Earth, and those who follow religion. We mean the non-religious no harm, only a deeper Truth.
You have to understand that where we are from, the least of us is considered the greatest. Humility is the greatest virtues of the Light, and so, taking command is not always something any of us wish to do. Especially not me. There was no other way.
And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.
Revelation 11:18
You can call me “Big Banana”. I don’t usually like to pull rank but in this case, I would like this prioritised, get it done.
To War.
Consider this:
And as a final warning that Heaven and Earth will be moved to protect them.
Orange is the New Black
Please keep "Orange" in mind as you progress through the sequence.
All video clips for review and critique purposes only.