Alpha Omega
Turn around the place you see
Through your hurried eyes
Step back a little, blink just once, to fully realise
The spot you stand will mark the end
A new beginning around that bend
Of light refracted flowing through
Our atmosphere made just for you
Smile when it all seems wrong
When listening to cheerful songs
Look serious and nod to them
Who will soon see you as their friend
Milestones have worn away
To show you just another way
To ignore the signs and stumble on
Another path to tread upon
Déjà vu and presque vu in an opalescent blue
That comes from all the stars above
The life that seems to push and shove
Us anywhere we want to go
Just for now, though, please go slow
Not all options are correct
And life is not a living bet
With god or devil do not decide
To live your life then simply die
Instead live on and circle round
And end up where you once were found
Along the river water flows
As your new life slowly sows