The Art and Soul of Salvation

The Art and Soul of Salvation

Salvation and the Little Scroll Imagine if you will, that I wrote here that I am a stigmatic. That I had a scar on my wrist, and another on my side. Would that make it true? This could be truth, fiction, or madness, or all of the above. So it is with Salvation which...
How to kill yourself live on Facebook

How to kill yourself live on Facebook

Now despite the grim headline of this article, I am in the happiest mood I have been in for some time. I say this as a disclaimer, because, as some of you may not know, even JOKING about suicide in a place like Australia can actually mean you can be imprisoned on a...
What is the new writing series about?

What is the new writing series about?

Habits are important for all of us, and since I have kicked most of my bad ones, I thought I would start a good one by writing more regularly. Today I am just touching on the new writing series which will be quite different to my poetry that you’ve all been...